Well, here it is, coming up on one month as parents, and we are still alive and, even more shocking, still in love with each other! Things are going great - we love being the mommy and the daddy.
People had all kinds of advice for us before Evelyn was born, but no one prepared us for how quickly Evelyn would grow in the first month. Our little peanut is becoming a big girl before our eyes!
I know, I know...parents always think their child is ahead of the curve (but to be fair, I must admit that our daughter is highly advanced). Honestly, Evelyn gained about a pound in her first two weeks of life. The mathematician in me looks at that and says that her body weight went up 17% in two weeks! If that isn't becoming a big girl, I don't know what else the criteria could be!
All of the fears we have had about being parents are long gone (they pretty much disappeared the moment we saw her). There are times at around 3am when we grumble as we get out of bed to attend to Evelyn's cries, but the moment we see her everything is well with the world again. Even if she decides she wants to stay up, it is fine with us as we are enjoying every second we have with our girl.
Grandma Winterfield has been with us for the past month, and Grandpa Winterfield has been back and forth between here and Grosse Pointe Farms. Sadly, they are heading home Sunday. We would not have been able to get to the point of organization without them! People were very kind to us with all of the gifts they have sent to Evelyn, a

Evelyn has had a busy month - she has attended a parade, gone out to eat, had a professional photo shoot, and enjoyed Marquette's Art on the Rocks.
Now we are moving into the great unknown - life with just the three of us...well...four - Sammy the dog counts for one too (he is more humane than most humans). Thankfully, we can work as a team and raise Evelyn to not think of things in terms of woman's work and men's work. This also keeps both of us a little more sane.
We have the next week and a half to ourselves and then we are blessed with the visit of our friends John & Julie and their son John-John. We will then be making our first major trip downstate to visit family. We'll keep you posted. Thank you for caring so much to be reading this blog. Please keep us, Evelyn and Evelyn's Birth Mother, Amber, in your prayers. God bless!