Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Rice for the Rice!

How appropriate that Evelyn's first food is "Rice" cereal! This was actually our second attempt at feeding Evelyn cereal. Our first attempt was very brief as we didn't have the proper equipment, i.e. a baby spoon. The first few feedings are supposed to be mixed rather thin like her formula, so when I attempted to feed her with my finger (as suggested in one of our baby books), it didn't work very well! This past weekend we were able to pick up a couple of baby spoons and some bowls just for her. This second attempt went much better, although she still has a strong tongue-thrust reflex, so there was more cereal on her face than in her tummy! We'll just keep practicing!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I am not sure if you tasted her "Rice Cereal" but it might be more appropriate for your last name to be "wallpaper paste"! Blech!