Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cheesey A-B-C's

Evelyn was singing her A-B-C's last night after dinner, so we grabbed the Flip camera to record her in action. As soon as she saw the camera, she decided to be a ham-bone.

A few moments of special interest: a) Evelyn now knows to say "Cheese!" when a camera is present. b) Evelyn knows that a camera needs to "click" for her picture to be taken. c) Evelyn has a built-in volume control when she sings. If you listen VERY carefully, you may be able to make out the words of the song as she whispers.

Not even two yet...we are going to have our hands full!


Haley said...

Too funny!

Kathleen said...

What a stinker! Can't wait till the 25th. Hope she can come to the airport to get me.


cindi said...

that is too funny! what a good job for not even two! her hair is getting so long....