I've seen the response of God in me
Coming to life
Kicking me strong
Draining my blood
You're my first child
I'll show you no harm
I'll teach you my love

Waking at night
Wanting caress
I'll keep you warm beside my bed
Together we'll rest
Deep in your sleep
My body's your glove
You're my first child
I'll show you no harm
I'll teach you my love

Smelling my skin
Feeling my face
I'll feed you each and every time
You cry into space
Holding my hands
Clutching my heart
You're my first child
I'll show you no harm
I'll teach you my love
We have had a lot of requests to hear this song...if you go to
(You will need to copy and paste the above address)
under "Popular Songs" you will find "My First Child". It was written for a son, but is a wonderful song for any parent.
How beautiful, how true!
Grandma "P"
That is so sweet.. I have chills reading it and I know just how you feel! Thanks for sharing.
The song is also on the "Mad About You" soundtrack. Yes, the one that some clips from our wedding CD originated from... Absolutely a cry-worthy song for ANY parent.
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