Sunday, February 8, 2009


Lara had to work today (Sunday, February 8, 2009). Today, high school students could go to NMU to learn more about financial aid and get assistance from people in the know (like Lara!). Lara was also able to earn comp time today to use on a future day off, but really it was to help the kids. With her mind on helping students and gaining some comp time for herself, I don't think she was prepared for the celebrity storm that was about to rain down upon her...

When Lara left this morning, there was no way of knowing that by this evening, she would be one of the UPs most popular celebrities. That's right, Lara made it onto TV6. Not just the evening news, no-no-no, but also the TV6 website! Check out the picture below. There she is, on the right by the door! We know her!

I know you will want to share this with family, friends, and heck, even strangers. We can all say, "I knew her before she was a star." Here is the actual website, just in case someone tries to claim that we just Photshopped her into a TV6 picture. You can let those jokers know this is the big league, baby!

-Brian, secretly posting as Lara! I can do this! Even with her celebrity status, I can do this! Now I just need to wait for the swag!

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