Sunday, August 3, 2008

Three Lakes

Evelyn showing off her rosebud hat (handcrafted by Auntie Marcia)Grandma Rice and Evelyn snuggling at camp
Grandpa Rice feeding Evelyn at camp
Grandpa Rice and Evelyn checking out Lake George

Evelyn took her first trip to Three Lakes to stay at the Rice Family Camp on Lake George.

We went up Thursday afternoon (around 4:00) and realized early on that we need to upgrade if we want to travel. Current plans are looking at a car-top carrier for the Subaru Outback and /or getting a van. But, that is another post.

We stopped off at camp, got Sammy settled and then continued on to L'Anse for a concert by Whitewater. Turn up the sound and copy and paste this link to hear some of their music:

After the concert, it was back to camp where Evelyn had a good nights sleep - all things considered. Thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers, Evelyn was able to sleep in her Pack-n-Play and it was a fairly uneventful night.

The next day brought some time on the front porch where we were able to visit with Grandma & Grandpa Rice. They watched Evelyn as Mommy & Daddy went to take a sauna. Good thing Evelyn & Sam were in good hands because a very strong storm came through. The rain was so hard we could not even see across the lake!

A stop for ice cream on the way home had us get in just after dark. Sad that we can tell the days are already getting shorter - it is dark again before 10pm. But, like everything else, we will just enjoy what we have while we have it.

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